I knew Shade as a young lady through my friend Bode.They were intimate friends from secondary school days.I was surprised after  long years when I later saw Shade at a family weeding recently.She was unenthusiastic and charmless unlike before .We greeted and had a chat briefly.Shade asked me if I heard from Bode,her former boyfriend.I told her yes,Bode is doing great with his family and now Bode is one of the top notch at oil servicing company.My statement threw a jab at her!
I knew what Shade was trying to find out,whether Bode had gotten another lady and married or not.I didn't mince words to tell her the truth.Why wont I?I could remember then when Shade got admission to study Agricultural economics in the university.I was happy for her and willing to assist her because I was ahead of her in same University.I was going to year 3 when Shade is starting first year in same university.That same year Bode got an admission into polytechnic to study Mechanical Engineering.When Bode's workload is less,he will sneak to come to our university to see Shade.In most cases,he will travel back the third day.After completion of year one,Shade started behaving strangely to Bode.She was putting up attitudes and not willing to accommodate Bode in her life again.Bode noticed this and called my attention as regard to this observation.I called Shade to attention that her fiance raised and ask me to help inquire to know the reason why She is putting such attitude.
I was dazed when Shade told me that her reason was that Bode went to polytechnic and She a University graduate could not stoop low to marry a poly graduate.
Her defense annoyed me but to make peace,I pleaded with her to rescind her decision.I took her back to memory lane how they have started their friendship which later grew to become inseparable love.Shade looked into my eyes and said,"don't let me deceive you,Bode's exposure does not match mine and if we married,I will not enjoy him because he will be inferior ".Her reason was myopic and ruse in defense.Without wasting time,I called Bode to inform him the development.He is not used to toasting ladies and is a shy personality.It took him awhile to overcome the rude shock.Bode completed his poly Education in flying co lours and graduated.With a dint of good luck,Bode got a job in top oil & gas servicing company based in Nigeria.He was sent to UK for a six months training as operation mechanical Engineer.He met a lady from Lagos during his six months training and after a year,they got married.We were all happy for Bode when he married this  beautiful Pharmacist from Lagos state.His wedding was one in town then with colorful display of wealth and affluence.
Shade lost everything with arrogance and unfounded pride.She was jumping from one man to another.I heard She was in a romance with a guy that got her pregnant and the guy persuaded her to abort the pregnancy.The guy deceived her that there is no way he can take her home with pregnancy that his parents will approve the marriage.Shade concurred and aborted the pregnancy for the guy.It was shocking that the following week,without informing Shade,the guy left the shore of Nigeria to South Africa.
The table turned and Shade tasted bile of life.Her life never remain the same.Since then till the day we met,She remain single and unattractive.Her aim was to appeal to me if I could apologies on her behalf to Bode to forgive her.But the die is cast!That's why I spare no time to tell her that Bode is now happily married.She should go and marry her arrogance.She substituted pride for arrogance.I made her realize that pride is to have honor or price attached to oneself,which is not bad idea but arrogance is been socially egoistic and boastful which has caused her a happy home.


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