What you know can't continue, don't start it.

We often think we need to impress our spouse by buying the spouse gifts,shopping spree,travelling abroad for vacations,enjoying beauty of nature in different classy resort. All these are good to enjoy and to shower on family. A question normally comes to my mind. How far can I go with this tradition? I'm not going to be a slave to my desire?i.e struggling thick and thing to muscle resources to achieve ritual desire of life.
However,I thought of the time I got married,there was a day my wife cooked a launch and I wasn't a home. She waited and waited but I didn't return on time. When I reached home,the food was cold and my wife did not eat till I came back. She was hungry but couldn't eat just because I wasn't around!I put my arm on her neck and gave her a kiss .I apologised to her and told her henceforth, She shouldn't wait for me again. She should prepare meal,take her meal and I will gladly take mine when I returned. Since then,that has been our standard and no complain from any quarter. What you know you cannot continue, don't even start it .If you have the time,resources and strength to continue, why not?You at liberty to continue the good gesture.
In year 2014,I was working in a site as a civil Engineer. I went to supervise hydraulic structures around a particular locality. I was welcomed by landlord Association in that community because the project I came to supervise was long overdue. The Association  were happy that Government gave it an attention that very year. I noticed a young vibrant man who l later knew was a lecturer and quite outspoken. I found a friend in him and we gel together as friends. We engaged ourselves most often in political discussions and general social views. I used to marvel at the way his wife move around with him and rove around him always .They were always together,husband and wife. One day,at a slight opportunity when the man was alone with me,I chipped it in that I love the way his wife goes around with him always. That it shows the bond of oneness and love. The man laughed and laughed again but surprised me the way he was laughing. I asked why,he responded that "Do you think I love the why She was following me around"? Haaa!Don't let me lie to you Engineer,She doesn't keep friends and I happened to be her best friend. Because of this reason,She will always want to go with me anywhere I go unless I travelled. A times it pained me because She doesn't allow me to enjoy my privacy. I asked him if he allowed his wife to know that he's not comfortable with that. The man laugh sarcastically, is too late because we started our marriage that way and is late to readjust now .I was surprised to hear his explanation as regards. I began to let him understand that" What you know you cannot continue, is better don't start it".Had it been you have told you wife your preference on your way of life .She would have adopted her way of life too. She taught your were enjoying your daddy-mummy movement around but you were hypocritic!.That is height of hypocrisy my friend .He accepted the fact and told me he will try and see if he can seek adjustment .I quickly changed the topic when I saw the wife coming .After all,have passed the message that"What you know you can't continue, don't start it".


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